Sunday, November 18, 2012

What I Learned From Vince...

If you haven't read Vince Mooney's post on Cover Art and Advertising Headlines published on this blog, stop, go back and read it, then see why I've worked on several new covers.


People liked this cover, it was pretty. I LIKED it, but it was niggling at me that something was wrong.  And while it stood out on a page in a thumbnail when person queried my title, I'm not sure it stood out in the way I wanted.

Then I read a post on Seekerville where Vince said something that triggered an even stronger feeling that I was on the wrong track with my cover.  (something about it looking like wall art, not a cover...)

I was adamant, however, that I was going to make watercolors my brand.  So how to do all I needed to do?

Then I realized that I wanted, needed Vince to teach me about marketing and book covers.  I asked and VOILA, his  incredible post about cover art and marketing.
And as we were working on it, I'd already thought of a new cover.


Then his post was ready...we'd edited and cut and added and was time to publish.
And as I pushed the publish button, I realized the above art didn't quite do justice to the story. I think you understand from the art that Haley, the little girl is ripped from her mother. 
But it wasn't enough.
It didn't say Hawaii, which most my reviewers mentioned as being extremely well researched (I lived there) and my readers seemed to particularly enjoy those scenes.  (Market research, I asked them.)
The above covers didn't say pathos, loss and hope. And again, it didn't say Hawaii, although it could be inferred from the watercolor...but only AFTER you'd read the book.
So, I came up with another idea, worked on it with my cover artist and vetted it with Vince...who actually loved it.   

So, here it is. I'd love your comments and thoughts. 
Cover art is vital in marketing our stories.  It is the first image planted in your prospective customer's mind.  It should offer an image that relates to something in their life. It makes them want or NOT want to delve further and read the blurb (another subject for a blog) and then finally either read the first chapter, and then your writing is going to make them buy the book.
I'll let you know as time goes on, whether the cover makes a difference in my sales, etc.
NOW for another big reveal: my next book's cover, which Vince also loves.
This one is for Digital versions, because the pyramid stands out more for the thumbnail. As I posted this I realized it will need a thin border or shadow to help set it off from the page and I've already sent the email to my artist :)

And this one is for the Print on Demand because I love the way the pyramid is transparent and it will be gorgeous on the glossy cover.
Hope this visual lesson helped.
LA aka Leslie Ann